fnctId=prof,fnctNo=92 유용웅(Yongung Yu) 직위(직급) 조교수 연구실 수산해양관 302호 교수전공 및 연구분야 선박운용, 선박항해, 해상교통 연락처 061-659-7124 이메일 yyung@jnu.ac.kr 홈페이지 - 학력(Education) 한국해양대학교 대학원 해양안전환경공학 박사(Korea Maritime and Ocean University Ph. D in Maritime Safety and Environment) 연구분야(Research Field) 선박운용, 선박항해, 해상교통(Navigation and Maneuvering, Marine traffic) 대표강의교과목(Major Teaching Subject) - 해상교통(Marine Traffic) - 해사법규(Maritime Law) - 선박운용학(Ship maneuvering) - 선박정비론(Ship maintenance) - 리더쉽 및 팀워크(Leadership and Team work) 주요 연구업적(List of Publications) - Journal paper 1. EJ Lee, HS Kim, EK Lee, KS Kim, YU Yu, YS Lee, (2023), "Improving the Maritime Traffic Evaluation with the Course and Speed Model", Applied sciences, 13(23), 12955. 2. DJ Kim, JB Yim, SS Song, JB Park, JS Kim, YU Yu, Khaled Elsherbiny, Tahsin Tezdogan, (2023), "Path-following control problem for maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) in adverse weather conditions at low speeds", Ocean Engineering, 287(2), 115860. 3. JS Lee, YU Yu*, (2023), "Calculation of categorical route width according to maritime traffic flow data in the Republic of Korea", Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology , 22(5), 222~232. 4. YU Yu, YJ Ahn, CH Lee, (2023), "Using FRAM for Causal Analysis of Marine Risks in the Motor Vessel Milano Bridge Accident: Identifying Potential Solutions", Applied sciences, 13(15), 8764. 5. TH Kim, YU Yu, YS Lee, YJ Ahn, (2023), "A Study on the Evaluation of the Appropriateness of the Control of Departure of Tugs Based on the Analysis of Ship Dynamic Motion", Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 29(4), 307~315 6. SY Kang, YJ Ahn, YU Yu, YS Lee, (2022), "Study on the Identification of Ship Maneuverability Required for Navigational Officers based on AHP Analysis", Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 28(5), 800~808 7. SY Kim, YU Yu, YS Lee, (2022), "A Study on Safe Operation Standards of Piers based on Mooring Safety Evaluation to Increase Efficiency of Local Management Trade Ports", Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 28(1), 107~116 8. YU Yu, (2021), "A Study on the Evaluation of Cargo Securing Safety for Car ferry Ships Using Wave Height Information", Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 27(4), 457~464 9. YU Yu, YJ Ahn, JK Kim, (2021), "Determination of the LNG Bunkering Optimization Method for Ports Based on Geometric Aggregation Score Calculation", Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(10), 1116. 10. YJ Ahn, YU Yu, JK Kim, (2021), "Accident Cause Factor of Fires and Explosions in Tankers Using Fault Tree Analysis", Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(8), 844. 11. YU Yu, PS Ho, JD Ho, CH Lee, (2020), "Improving Liquefied Natural Gas Bunkering in Korea through the Chinese and Japanese Experiences", Sustainability , 12(22), 9585. 12. YU Yu, YS Lee, (2020), "A Study on the Hull Acceleration Analysis of Car Ferry Ship for Securing Safety Evaluation", Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 26(6), 587~593 13. YU Yu, SY Kim, YS Lee, (2019), "A Study on the Evaluation of Safety Stiffness from Ship's Mooring Bollards", Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research, 43(1), 9~15 14. SC Kwon, YU Yu, JM Park, YS Lee, (2019), "A Basic Study on the Demand Analysis of Waiting Anchorage using Anchorage Capacity Index", Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 25(5), 519~526 15. SY Kim, YU Yu, YS Lee, (2019), "A Study on the Allowable Range of Overhanging Berthing at the Port of Ulsan", Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 25(3), 313~319 16. YS Lee, SY Kim, YU Yu, GH Yun (2018), "A Study on the Selection of Target Ship for the Protection of Submarine Power Cable", Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 24(6), 662~669